ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kilometre zero

Okay, imagine you’re going on a really big, fun car trip. Before you start driving, you need to know where to go and how far it is. What if you get lost or forget how far you’ve driven? That’s where a thing called a kilometre zero comes in handy!

Kilometre zero is a special spot in a city where all the distances from that city are measured from. It’s like a starting point for measuring distances. So, if you’re driving around a big city like Paris, you might see a plaque on the ground that says “Kilometre Zero.” This spot is where all the roads in France officially start from.

It’s kind of like playing a game of “Where’s Waldo?” Except, instead of finding Waldo, you’re looking for a spot on the ground that tells you where you are in the world. It helps people keep track of how far they’ve gone and how much farther they have to go to get where they’re going. Cool, right?

So next time you’re going on a fun road trip, remember to look out for a kilometre zero sign or plaque. That way, you’ll know where you’re going and how far you’ve come!