ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kokan Shiren

Kokan Shiren is a person who lived a long time ago in a place called China. He was a Buddhist monk which means he followed a religion called Buddhism and he lived in a temple.

Kokan Shiren was a really smart person and he wrote many important books about Buddhism. He also had many followers who respected him and listened to his teachings.

One day, Kokan Shiren decided to go on a journey to find a special Buddhist text called the Lotus Sutra. He thought that this text was very important and he wanted to learn more about it.

So he traveled to a place called Japan, which is an island country. He finally found the Lotus Sutra and learned a lot from it.

After that, Kokan Shiren decided to stay in Japan and teach people about Buddhism. He became very popular and many people started to follow him.

Even today, many people still respect and admire Kokan Shiren for his teachings and his contributions to Buddhism.