ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Kolam is something that people in India make on the ground outside of their houses. It is like a pretty drawing that they create using rice flour or chalk powder. Sometimes, they might even use flowers or colored powder to make it look even more beautiful.

Making kolam is a way for people to show that they care about their homes and want to make them look nice. Sometimes, they might make kolam because they want to welcome guests or show gratitude to the gods.

Kolam can come in many different shapes and sizes, but they are usually made up of a bunch of little dots and lines that connect to make a big design. Some people might even make kolam with their friends or family members as a fun activity.

In India, people have been making kolam for a really long time. It is a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. Making kolam is not only a pretty thing to do, but it is also a way for people to connect with their culture and show respect for their home and community.
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