ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Leges inter Brettos et Scottos

Leges inter brettos et scottos means "Laws between the Britons and the Scots". Long long ago, there were two groups of people who lived in a place called Britain. These groups were called the Britons and the Scots. They had different rules and ways of doing things.

Sometimes the Britons and Scots got along, but sometimes they didn't. So they decided to make some special rules called "leges" to help them work together better. These rules were like instructions for how the Britons and Scots should behave towards each other.

For example, the leges said that if a Briton boy hurt a Scottish girl, the boy would have to pay a fine. Or if a Scottish man stole a sheep from a Briton farmer, he would have to give it back and also pay a fine.

By following these rules, the Britons and the Scots were able to live together peacefully and resolve any conflicts that came up.