ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Legislature broadcaster

Okay kiddo, so a legislature is a group of people who make laws for a town, city, state or country. A broadcaster is someone who shares information with lots of people like on TV, radio or even the internet.

Now imagine you have a group of people who want to share information about the laws they are making with lots of people. That's where the legislature broadcaster comes in!

The legislature broadcaster is the person or group of people who make sure that what is happening in the legislature is shared with everyone who wants to know about it. They might use a TV station, a radio station or even social media to share the information.

This way, people who want to know what laws are being made or changed can find out easily. It's kind of like your teacher telling the whole class what they need to know instead of talking to each student one by one.

So that's what a legislature broadcaster does, they make sure everyone knows what's happening in the legislature, so people can make informed decisions and understand how the laws affect them.