ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Location arithmetic

Location arithmetic is like counting or doing math, but instead of using numbers, we use directions or positions.

Imagine that you are playing with your toys on a big floor mat, and your parents tell you to clean up and put everything back in its place. They give you specific instructions like "put the red car on the right side of the mat" or "put the blue ball in the middle of the mat."

These instructions are like location arithmetic. You have to follow the directions to put things in their proper location, just like adding or subtracting numbers to get the right answer when doing math homework.

In location arithmetic, we use specific terms to describe direction and location. For example, "left" means towards the left-hand side of the mat, while "up" means towards the top. Instead of numbers, we use terms like "above," "below," "next to," "behind," "in front of," and so on.

One unique thing about location arithmetic is that the order in which we follow the instructions matters. If your parents tell you to put the red car on the right of the mat and the blue ball on the left, you can't do it the other way around. The same principle applies to location arithmetic - we have to follow the directions in the correct order to get the correct answer.

Overall, location arithmetic might sound a bit different from regular math, but it's just another way of using instructions to solve problems and put things in their proper place.
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