ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so have you ever heard the saying "follow the rules"? Well, Misra C is a set of rules that people who write computer programs follow to make sure their code is safe and works properly.

Just like there are rules you follow when playing a game like hopscotch or checkers, there are rules programmers need to follow when writing code. Misra C is a set of 143 of these rules that help catch mistakes and prevent problems from happening in the program.

The Misra C rules cover things like how to use variables, how to write loops, and how to handle errors. By following these rules, programmers can make sure their program does what it's supposed to do without any unexpected surprises.

Think of it like building with Lego blocks - you want to make sure each block is placed in the right spot and fits together properly, so the thing you're building doesn't fall apart. Misra C helps programmers make sure their blocks (code) are in the right spot and fit together properly, so their program doesn't "fall apart" or cause problems when people use it.

So when programmers use Misra C, it's kind of like playing a game where everyone agrees to follow the rules - it makes the game more fun and fair for everyone. Except in this case, the "game" is writing computer programs that work properly and don't cause any issues.