ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Masahiko Amakasu

Okay kiddo, Masahiko Amakasu was a person who lived a long time ago in Japan. He was a very important and influential man during a time called the Meiji period, which was when Japan was going through a lot of changes.

Masahiko Amakasu was born in 1878 and was a member of a powerful family who were samurai, which means they were like warriors who protected their clan. But during the Meiji period, Japan's government decided to get rid of the samurai system and make everyone equal.

Despite this change, Masahiko Amakasu still wanted to be important and have power. He joined a group called the Imperial Japanese Army, which was like a big group of soldiers who worked for the government. Amakasu was really good at being a soldier and he quickly moved up the ranks until he became a general.

But then something bad happened. Amakasu was part of a crazy group of soldiers who wanted to take over the government and make the emperor more powerful. This was a really bad idea, and the government didn't like it. They ended up putting Amakasu in jail for a little while.

Eventually, Amakasu got out of jail and started doing other things. He became a writer and wrote books about his life and what he thought was important. He also traveled to other countries and met famous people.

So that's who Masahiko Amakasu was. He was a powerful man who wanted to be even more powerful, but he made some bad choices and ended up in trouble. But he eventually found other ways to be important and lived a pretty interesting life.