ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Material monism

Okay kiddo, let me explain material monism to you, but first, do you remember what material means? Material refers to physical things around us that we can touch, see, and feel. For example, your toys, clothes, and food are all made of material things.

Now, the word monism means that there is only one basic substance or element in the world. So, material monism means that everything is made up of the same physical substance, and that substance is matter.

That's right! So, material monism is the idea that everything in the world, including our bodies and minds, is made up of the same material substance. This means that our thoughts, feelings, and actions are all the result of physical processes in our brains.

Think of it this way, just like how all the pieces of your Lego set are made of the same plastic material, all things in the world are made of the same material substance. That's what material monism is all about.

Some people might believe in material monism because they think it's simpler to explain things in the world this way. However, others might disagree with this idea and say that there's more to our existence than just physical things.

But for now, remember that material monism means that everything is made up of the same material substance, and that substance is matter.