ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Medicine wheel (symbol)

The medicine wheel is a special symbol that is made up of a circle that is divided into four sections. Each section has a different color and represents different things. The colors are usually red, yellow, black, and white.

The medicine wheel has a deep meaning for many Native American tribes. It represents the cycle of life and helps people understand their place in the world. The wheel can also be used as a tool for healing and transformation.

The color red represents the south and the physical aspects of life, such as the body, health, and strength. Yellow is the west and represents the emotional aspects of life, such as feelings, relationships, and love. Black is the north and represents the mental aspects of life, such as the mind, knowledge, and wisdom. Lastly, white is the east and represents the spiritual aspects of life, such as the soul, inspiration, and connection to the divine.

When people use the medicine wheel, they might start in any direction, but they usually go clockwise around the circle. They might use each section to meditate on different aspects of their life or to ask for guidance and insight. The medicine wheel can help people find balance, harmony, and peace within themselves and in relation to the world around them.
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