ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Merkhav Mugan

Okay, kiddo, so imagine you have a special shield to protect you from danger. That shield is called "merkhav mugan". It's a type of shield used by soldiers and people who are in danger of getting hurt.

Now, merkhav mugan isn't just any kind of shield. It's made up of a really strong material that can stop things from hurting you, like bullets or fragments that fly off when something explodes.

The shield can be big or small, depending on who's using it, and it covers your body like a suit. It's so tough that it can withstand a lot of damage, even when things hit it really hard.

Like all things, though, even merkhav mugan has limits. If something hits it really hard or too many times, it might break. That's why soldiers have to be careful when they're using it and make sure they don't get into too much danger.

So, there you have it, kiddo. Merkhav mugan is a special shield that people use to protect themselves from danger. Just like your helmet helps keep you safe when you ride your bike!