ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Metamodernism is a big word that describes a way of looking at things and thinking about the world. Imagine you are playing with a toy and you can look at it from different angles. When you look at it from one angle, it looks one way and when you look at it from another angle, it looks different. Metamodernism is like looking at the world from different angles and seeing different sides to things.

So, how does that work? Well, first let's talk about modernism. Modernism is a way of thinking that started a long time ago when people were trying to make sense of the world. They came up with new ideas about art, science, and technology. Modernism was all about being unique and different, breaking the rules and trying new things.

But then people started to feel like modernism was too harsh and so they came up with postmodernism. Postmodernism was all about questioning the old rules and finding new ways of looking at things. It was like saying, "Hey, let's look at this from a different angle and see what we can learn."

Metamodernism takes it to the next level. It's like saying, "Okay, we looked at it from that angle, but what about this angle over here? And hey, what happens if we combine these two angles?" It's a way of constantly exploring and discovering new things.

Metamodernism isn't just about art or science or music, it's about everything. It's like looking at a big puzzle with lots of little pieces and trying to fit them together in different ways to see what happens. It's about being curious and open to new ideas, but also being critical and thoughtful about what you're learning.

So, in summary, metamodernism is like playing with a toy and looking at it from different angles to see what you can learn. It's a way of exploring the world and discovering new things by constantly questioning and experimenting.