ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mila 18

Mila 18 is a book about a group of people who live in a place called Warsaw during a very bad time called World War II. During this time, a group of people called Nazis were ruling over many countries and trying to hurt and kill certain groups of people, including Jewish people.

The Nazis made a rule that Jewish people had to live in a special part of the city called the "ghetto." This meant that they were separated from other people and had to live in a very small area. It was very crowded and there wasn't enough food or water or medicine.

The people in the ghetto were very sad and scared because they knew the Nazis wanted to hurt them. But they also wanted to fight back and save themselves. Mila 18 is the story of some of these people who decided to work together and fight against the Nazis. They had to be very careful because they could get in trouble if they were caught.

One of their secret places where they met was called "Mila 18." This was a building that had a special number on it and it was a secret code for the people who were trying to protect themselves. The people who went to Mila 18 were very brave and they worked hard to try and save as many people as they could.

This book is important because it shows how even when things are very bad and scary, people can come together and fight for what is right. It also reminds us to treat everyone with kindness and respect, no matter who they are or where they come from.
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