ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mobile app

A mobile app is like a toy that you can play with on your mommy or daddy's phone or tablet. It's a special program that you can download and install on your phone or tablet to help you do different things like playing games, listening to music, taking pictures, or even calling and texting your friends!

Just like how you choose a toy from your toy box, you can find different mobile apps in a special place called the App Store (if you have an Apple device) or the Google Play Store (if you have an Android device). There are many different apps that you can choose from, some are free while others cost money to download.

When you download an app, you will see a colorful icon on your screen. You can click on the icon to open the app and start using it. Each app has its own special features and tools that you can use to do different things.

For example, if you want to play a game, you can open the game app and start playing. If you want to listen to music, you can open a music app and select your favorite songs. If you want to take pictures, you can open a camera app and start taking photos.

Mobile apps are like little helpers that make your life easier and more fun. With so many different apps to choose from, you can always find an app that will help you with whatever you need to do!