ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Multidrug resistance

Okay kiddo, have you heard of germs or bacteria before? They're tiny things you can't see that can make you sick. When you get sick, sometimes doctors give you medicine called antibiotics that can kill the germs to make you better.

But sometimes, these germs can be sneaky and change so that the antibiotics don't work anymore. It's kind of like how you can change your clothes to hide from your friends playing tag. When the germs change so much that the antibiotics can't work, it's called "multidrug resistance."

It's important to stop this from happening because if we don't have any medicine that can kill the germs, people can get really sick and even die. We can stop it by being careful not to overuse antibiotics and making sure we take them the right way when we need them. The more we use them, the more chances the germs have to change and become resistant to the medicine.