ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Multiplication table

A multiplication table is a way to learn how to multiply numbers. It's like a cheat sheet for addition and multiplication, and it can help you understand numbers and math better.

To use a multiplication table, you first find the number that you want to multiply in the left-hand column. Let's say we want to find four times five. First, we look down the left-hand column until we find the number four. Then, we look across to the right-hand column until we find the number five. Finally, we find the number at the intersection of the four and five, which is 20. That means four times five is 20. We can use a multiplication table to find the answer to any multiplication problem!

The best way to practice using a multiplication table is to start at the beginning and just do some of the problems. Then, as you get better, you can try to do bigger numbers!
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