ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


"Nafs" is a fancy word that means "self" or "soul" in Islam. It is important in Islam because it is believed that everyone has a "nafs" inside them and it can either be good or bad.

Think of the "nafs" like a small person who lives inside you. If this person is good, they always tell you to do good things, like helping others and praying. But if this person is bad, they can convince you to do bad things, like lying or stealing.

In order to make sure your "nafs" is good, Muslims believe that you should do things like praying, fasting, and being kind to others. These things help to keep your "nafs" healthy and happy.

Sometimes, your "nafs" can make you feel selfish or greedy, but by doing good things and treating others well, you can keep your "nafs" in check and hopefully become a better person.