ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nakhimov Naval School

So, Nakhimov Naval School is a place where kids go to learn how to be sailors and other things related to the navy. It's like a school, but with a focus on the navy.

At Nakhimov Naval School, kids learn about things like navigation (which means how to figure out where you are and where you're going on a ship), how to drive a ship, how to operate weapons on the ship, and all kinds of other things related to being in the navy.

The school has lots of teachers who are experts in these things and can teach the kids how to do them properly and safely. The teachers give the kids tests and grades to make sure they are learning everything they need to know.

And one day, if the kids want to, they can grow up to become real sailors in the navy because of everything they learned at the Nakhimov Naval School!