ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

National Collegiate Weather Forecasting Contest

So imagine you are going to school and you want to know if it's going to rain or be sunny outside. There are people who study the weather and predict what it will be like, just like guessing whether it will be sunny or rainy.

The National Collegiate Weather Forecasting Contest is a fun game where students from different colleges try to guess the weather better than other students. They use special tools and computer programs to make their guesses.

It's like when you play a game with your friends and see who can guess the number of candies in a jar the closest. But instead of guessing candies, they guess the weather. The winner is the one who guesses closest to what the actual weather will be like.

The game helps students learn how to make more accurate weather predictions, which can be helpful in real life. And it's super fun to try and guess the weather like your very own weatherman!