ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

National Weatherperson's Day

National Weatherperson's Day is a very special day that we celebrate every year on February 5th. It's a day where we show our appreciation and gratitude towards all the weather forecasters who help us know what kind of weather to expect.

You see, when you wake up in the morning and you see it's sunny outside, you might decide to wear your favorite shorts and t-shirt. But what happens if it starts raining later on in the day, and you didn't bring your raincoat or umbrella with you? That's where weather forecasters come in!

Weather forecasters are people who study the weather and use lots of cool tools and gadgets to predict what kind of weather we can expect throughout the day or week. They use things like radar, satellites, and computer models to see what the weather is going to do.

On National Weatherperson's Day, we take a moment to say thank you to all the weather forecasters who help keep us safe and informed. We appreciate all the hard work they do to help us plan our days and stay prepared for whatever crazy weather might come our way. So let's give a big shoutout to all the weather forecasters out there - thank you for all you do!