ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nationwide Urban Runoff Program

Okay kiddo, have you ever noticed how when it rains a lot, the water doesn't always soak into the ground? Instead, it goes down the street and into the drains. That water can pick up things like dirt, trash, and even chemicals along the way.

The Nationwide Urban Runoff Program is a big plan to help clean up that water. It's all about figuring out what's in the water, why it's in there, and how we can make it better. Scientists go out and test the water and figure out what pollutants are in there, like soap from washing cars or fertilizer from lawns. Then, people come up with ideas for how to keep those pollutants out of the water in the first place, like using environmentally-friendly soap or reducing the amount of fertilizer they use.

The program is nationwide, which means it's happening all over the country, not just in one place. And it's important because we want the water to be clean and safe for animals and plants to live in, as well as for people to swim and play in. That way, we can all enjoy the beauty of nature without worrying about pollution.