ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Natural evil

Natural evil refers to bad things that happen in the world, but are not caused by people. It’s when innocent animals, plants or people are hurt or killed because of natural disasters or other things that happen in nature.

For example, when a volcano erupts, it can cause a deadly lava flow that destroys everything in its path. This is a natural event, and not caused by people, but it still causes a lot of harm and suffering.

Another example of natural evil is when an earthquake happens. This can cause buildings to collapse, and people to be trapped or injured. Again, this is not caused by people, but it still causes a lot of harm.

Some people believe that natural evil is proof that there is no all-powerful, all-loving God. They argue that if God existed, he would not allow innocent creatures to suffer from natural disasters or other causes of natural evil.

Others believe that natural evil is a necessary part of the natural world. They argue that things like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are part of the natural processes that shape the world we live in.

Still, others believe that natural evil is a test of our faith. They argue that it is a challenge that God sets for us, to see if we can remain faithful even in the face of suffering and hardship.

Overall, natural evil is a complex and difficult topic. While there is no easy answer to the question of why it exists, it is clear that it has a profound impact on the world around us.