ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nazi chic

Okay kiddo, so you know how some people really like superheroes and wear superhero t-shirts and stuff like that?

Well, some people also like something called "nazi chic," but it's not superhero stuff. See, a long time ago, there was a really bad group of people called Nazis, who hurt a lot of other people and caused a big war. So most people don't like Nazis or what they did.

But some people think it's cool to wear clothes or jewelry that look like what Nazis wore, or have symbols like the swastika that were used by the Nazis. They might not realize that these things are hurtful to a lot of people, because they send a message that they think the bad things the Nazis did were okay or cool.

Basically, Nazi chic is when people wear or like things that are connected to a really bad group of people, and some people think that's not respectful to the people who were hurt by the Nazis.