ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nazi gold train

Okay kiddo, so there were some really bad people a long time ago called Nazis. They did some very mean things to many other people, like taking their homes and hurting them.

Now, some people say that these Nazis also took a lot of shiny valuable things like gold, jewelry, and art from other people without permission. But these bad guys lost the war, so they had to run away and hide.

Some people think that one group of Nazis hid all their shiny things on a train and buried the train underground. They did this so that no one would find it and take it from them.

But since then, lots of people have been looking for this train because they want to see if it's real and if they can find some of the shiny things too. Some people think it's just a story, but others still believe that it might be out there somewhere waiting to be found.