ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright, kiddo, have you ever heard of the word "neocatastrophism?" It's a big word that scientists use to talk about the really big things that can happen to our planet that can change it a lot - kind of like when a meteor hit Earth and caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Basically, some scientists think that these big events happen more often than we used to think. They used to believe that changes to the Earth's surface happened really slowly over millions of years, but now they think that sometimes really BIG changes can happen really quickly - like in just a few years or even days.

For example, you know how sometimes there are big earthquakes or volcanic eruptions that can cause a lot of damage? Well, neocatastrophism is kind of like that, just on a much, MUCH bigger scale.

Some of the things that can cause neocatastrophism are natural, like these big natural disasters I talked about. Other things might be caused by humans, like climate change or pollution.

Basically, neocatastrophism is a way for scientists to understand how the Earth changes over time, and to predict what might happen in the future. It's an important idea because it helps us prepare for things we can't control, and it reminds us that our planet is always changing and we need to take care of it.