ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Neolithic Europe

Neolithic Europe was a time a long time ago when people learned how to farm and grow their own food instead of just hunting and gathering. They began to live in one place instead of moving around all the time. This made their lives a lot easier because they didn't have to travel as much to find food.

During this time, people started building houses made out of stone or mud bricks. They also started domesticating animals like cows and pigs, so they could use them for milk, cheese and meat.

People also started making tools out of stone, which helped them with their farming and everyday tasks. They would grind the stone to create sharp edges which they could use for cutting, scraping and digging.

The people of Neolithic Europe also created pottery, which was used for cooking and storing food. They made the pottery by forming wet clay into different shapes and then baking it in a fire.

People in Neolithic Europe were also inventing new things all the time, such as weaving cloth from wool, making jewelry from beads, and creating art on their pottery.

Overall, Neolithic Europe was a time of great innovation and change. People learned to live in settled communities, became farmers, made new tools and inventions, and created beautiful art and pottery.