ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, kiddo, so you know how some people really love nerdy things like comic books, video games, computers, and stuff like that? Well, some of those people also really love music and they started making songs that talk about their nerdy interests. This type of music is called nerdcore!

It's like when you sing songs about your favorite TV show, but instead of just singing about it, you're rapping or singing about it with a really cool beat in the background. Nerdcore musicians might rap about things like Star Wars, Doctor Who, or The Legend of Zelda.

But that's not all! Nerdcore musicians also rap about things that nerdy people might relate to, like being shy or feeling like an outsider. So not only is it a fun way to celebrate your nerdy interests, but it's also a way to share your feelings and connect with other people who might feel the same way.

Overall, nerdcore is a really cool and unique type of music that celebrates all things nerdy and can help people feel like they belong in a community.
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