ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Network Load Balancing Services

Okay kiddo, so when you go to the playground with your friends, sometimes you all want to go on the same swing at the same time, right? But if everyone tried to go on that one swing, it would be too much weight on the swing and it might break!

Well, something similar happens when a lot of people try to use a website or an app at the same time. This is called "network traffic" and it can make the website or app slow down or even stop working.

That's where network load balancing services come in. They are like a grown-up who helps you and your friends take turns on the swing so it doesn't break.

These services spread out the weight of all the people using the website or app, by sending some people to one computer and others to a different computer. This means that no one computer gets too much weight on it at once.

That way, everyone can use the website or app at the same time without it getting too slow or breaking. It's like magic!