ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Noise Abatement Society

So, imagine you're sitting in a quiet room and suddenly someone starts blasting music or shouting really loudly. That's really annoying, right? Well, there are some people who don't care if they're being loud and disturb other people. That's where the noise abatement society comes in to help.

The noise abatement society is a group of people who want to make sure that everyone can live in a quiet and peaceful environment. They want to reduce noise pollution, which is the loud and annoying sounds that can come from various sources like cars, construction work, and airplanes.

Their job is to educate people about the harm of noise pollution and work with businesses, governments, and individuals to make sure they follow laws and regulations that limit noise production. They also work to create new laws and regulations to limit noise pollution and test new technologies that could help in noise reduction.

So, in short, the noise abatement society helps everyone to have a quieter and more peaceful life by spreading awareness about the harmful effects of noise pollution and making sure everyone follows the rules to keep the noise at a reasonable level.