ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Non-English usage of quotation marks

Okay kiddo, so you know how we use quotation marks to show when someone is speaking in a book or movie, like "I am going to the store," said Jack? Well, in some countries where they speak a different language than English, they use the quotation marks in a different way.

For example, in some languages, like French, they put a space before and after the quotation marks, like this: « je vais au magasin » which means "I am going to the store." They also use a different type of quotation marks that look like little arrows pointing inwards.

In other languages, like German, they use what are called “typographic” quotation marks, which means they look a little bit different than the ones we use in English. They look like this: „Ich gehe zum Laden“ which also means "I am going to the store." The quotation marks in German look a bit like commas, but they are turned upside down at the beginning and right-side up at the end of a quotation.

So you see, even though we might use quotation marks in English in one way, other languages might use them in a different way, and that’s okay! Different languages have different rules, and that’s part of what makes them so interesting to learn about.