ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Odilo Globocnik

Odilo Globocnik was a very bad man who did a lot of very bad things during World War II. He was a leader in the Nazi party and helped run concentration camps where many innocent people were killed.

Imagine being at a playground with your friends and having someone come over and take your toys away. Now imagine if that person was very mean and made you do things you didn't want to do, like clean up the playground all by yourself. That's kind of what Odilo Globocnik did, but on a much bigger scale.

He was in charge of making sure that certain groups of people, like Jewish people and other minority groups, were taken away from their homes and put into concentration camps. These camps were very scary and people were treated very badly. Many of them were killed or died from things like hunger and sickness.

Globocnik didn't care about the people he hurt or what happened to them. He just wanted to make sure that the Nazi party was strong and in control. He did very bad things and it's important to remember what he did so that we can make sure that nothing like that ever happens again.