ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Old person smell

Have you ever smelled an old person and noticed a different smell than what you're used to? That is called "old person smell." As people age, their bodies start to change and produce different chemicals, which can create a unique scent.

As people grow older, their bodies naturally produce less oil, which can lead to dry skin. When skin becomes dry, it can crack and produce a slight odor. Additionally, old people often have slower metabolisms, which can also affect their skin's oil production and lead to a different smell.

Another factor that can contribute to old person smell is the buildup of certain chemicals in the body over time. For example, older people may have more urea in their skin, which is a chemical that's produced when the body breaks down protein. This can contribute to a slightly different odor.

Despite the name, old person smell isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's simply a natural part of getting older, and most people don't even notice it. Plus, everyone's scent is unique, so what one person perceives as "old person smell" may be different from what another person smells.

In summary, "old person smell" is a scent that some people notice when they're near older individuals. It's caused by changes in the body's chemistry and the natural aging process, and it's not necessarily a bad thing.
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