ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Online disinhibition effect

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard about how people tend to behave differently online than they do in real life? That's what we call the online disinhibition effect.

It's like when you're playing a game online and you don't hold back on saying what you really want to say to other players, even if it might be mean or hurtful. You might not do that in real life because you know it's not nice or it might hurt someone's feelings.

The online disinhibition effect happens because people feel that they are anonymous online and they can say or do things without facing consequences or being judged by others. They might also feel like they can be more confident, brave or outgoing online than they are in real life because nobody can see or judge them.

Sometimes people might forget that there's a real person behind the screen reading what they're saying and that their words could really hurt someone's feelings. So it's important to always remember to be kind and respectful online, just like we do in real life.