ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Orlicz space

Okay, so imagine you have a box full of toys, and you want to measure how heavy the box is. But some toys are heavier than others, so you need a way to measure the weight that takes into account how heavy each toy is.

Now, let's say you have another box of toys, but the toys are different, and some are even heavier than the toys in the first box. You need a new way to measure the weight of this second box.

Well, the idea behind orlicz space is similar to this. It's a way to measure the "weight" of a function, which is a fancy way to talk about a mathematical rule or formula. Some functions are "heavier" than others, and orlicz space is a way to measure this weight and compare functions to each other.

The orlicz space is named after a mathematician named Marcel Orlicz, who came up with this way of measuring the weight of functions. It's used a lot in areas of math called analysis and probability theory.

So, just like you need different ways to measure the weight of different boxes of toys, mathematicians use orlicz space to measure the weight of different functions. And just like there are many different types of toys, there are many different types of functions, so there are many different types of orlicz space too!