ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

P notation

Imagine you and your friends want to play a game, and you all have a bunch of toys. You want to split up the toys evenly, so everyone has the same amount.

But, you have lots of different types of toys, some big and some small. How can you make sure everyone gets an equal share of toys based on their size and value?

That's where p notation comes in. It's like a special way of dividing things up fairly.

P notation measures the quantity and size of something in relation to the whole. It tells us what percentage or fraction of the total amount something represents.

For example, imagine you have a box of 10 toys, and 3 of them are balls. The p notation for balls in this box would be 3/10, or 30%.

This means that if you were sharing the toys with two friends, each of you would get 3 toys. But since there are only 3 balls, each person would get 1 ball, or 30% of the total amount of balls in the box.

In short, p notation helps us divide things up fairly based on their size and value.
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