ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Parallel novel

Hey kiddo! Have you ever read a book with two stories happening at the same time? That's kinda what a parallel novel is!

A parallel novel is a book that tells two different stories at the same time. Both stories are equally important and they often have common themes or characters, but they happen in different places or time periods. Sometimes the stories are connected, and sometimes they just share similar themes.

It's like watching two movies at the same time, except you have to read the words to know what's happening. Imagine one story is about a princess who lives in a castle, and the other story is about a pirate who sails the ocean. These stories might seem like they have nothing in common, but if you pay close attention, you might notice that they both have to overcome obstacles and make tough decisions to reach their goals.

Parallel novels are a really cool way to tell a complex story and keep the reader engaged. It's like solving two puzzles at the same time, and when you put the pieces together, you get a bigger picture of the story.