ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Penet remailer

Okay kiddo, let's talk about pen pal letters. When you write a letter, you put it in an envelope and send it to your friend, right? The post office will look at the address on the envelope and send it to your friend's house.

But what if you don't want your friend to know your address? Maybe you're worried about someone you don't like finding out where you live. That's where a pen pal service called a penet remailer comes in.

With a penet remailer, you write your letter and put it in an envelope, just like usual. But instead of putting your friend's address on the outside, you put the remailer's address. The remailer will take off the outer envelope and put your letter in a new envelope with your friend's address on it. That way, your friend won't know your address, and you can keep your privacy.

It's like having a secret mailman!