ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pervasive game

A pervasive game is a type of game that you can play in the real world instead of on a screen. It's like a big adventure where you can walk around and do things to win the game.

For example, imagine you're playing a game where you're a spy, and the game takes place in a big city. You might need to find clues that are hidden in real places, like under a park bench or on a building. You might need to talk to people who are pretending to be other spies or gather information to complete your mission.

Another example could be a game where you pretend to be a wizard, and you need to find magical objects in your neighborhood to win the game. You might need to find a wand hidden in a tree, or you might need to cast spells on items in a park to make them come to life.

The idea of a pervasive game is that you're not just sitting in front of a screen controlling a character. Instead, you're using your own body and mind to complete challenges and solve puzzles in the real world. It's like going on a big adventure with your friends, and it can be a lot of fun!