ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pipe Smoker of the Year

Okay buddy, so imagine if you really like candy. You love all different kinds of candy and spend a lot of time thinking about it and trying out different flavors.

Well, some grown-ups really like smoking pipes instead of eating candy. And just like how you might have a favorite candy or a best friend who also loves candy, there are grown-ups who have a special love for smoking pipes and they like to get together with other people who love pipes too.

Now, imagine that all those people who love pipes get together and pick one person each year who is the very best at smoking pipes. Not only are they really good at smoking pipes, they are also a really nice person who treats others with kindness and respect. This person is called the "Pipe Smoker of the Year."

It's kind of like when you pick a "player of the game" after a soccer game - the person who did the best job gets recognized for their hard work and good attitude. So, the "Pipe Smoker of the Year" is like the best pipe-smoker in the whole world, and everyone who loves pipes thinks they are really cool and special.