ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Planning the Low-Budget Film

When you make a movie, you need to think about a lot of things like what the story is, what the actors will say and do, and where the movie will be filmed. If you don't have a lot of money to make the movie, you have to be really careful about how you plan things so that you can still make a good movie without spending too much.

First, you need to start with a good story. This means that you need to come up with an idea for what happens in the movie and write it down on paper. Once you have the idea written down, you need to turn it into a script. A script is like a list of everything that happens in the movie, what the actors say and do, and where they are supposed to be.

Once you have a script, you need to cast your actors. This means you need to find people who are good at acting to play the roles in your movie. If you don't have a lot of money, you might need to ask your friends and family to help out or find people who are willing to work for a low fee.

Next, you need to find locations where you can film your movie. You might need to find places where you can film for free or ask for permission to use someone's property. You also need to think about what time of day you should film certain scenes to get the right lighting.

You also need to think about what kinds of props and costumes you need to make your movie look good. Again, if you don't have a lot of money, you might need to get creative and make your own props or borrow things from friends and family.

Finally, when you have everything planned out, you need to start filming! You might need to do a lot of takes to get things just right, but as long as you planned things carefully, you should be able to make a great movie even with a low budget.