ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Plateau's problem

Imagine you are climbing a mountain. It gets harder and harder to climb as you get closer to the top because the air gets thinner and you get tired. But what if you reached a spot where no matter how hard you climb, you can't seem to make any progress? That's what we call a plateau.

In maths, a plateau is like a bump or a flat spot on a graph or a curve. Picture this - you are drawing a graph on a sheet of paper. You draw a line, and then the line goes flat for a bit before starting to slope upward again. The flat stretch is the plateau.

Now imagine a ball rolling along the graph line you've drawn. When the ball gets to the plateau, it gets stuck there. It stops rolling and stays put. In maths, this is called "degeneracy."

The Plateau problem is all about figuring out how to make the ball move again when it gets stuck on a plateau. It's a complicated problem that mathematicians have been working on for over a hundred years. But the main idea is that if you can "wiggle" the graph - that is, make small adjustments to it without changing the overall shape - you might be able to get the ball to roll again.

The Plateau problem is important because it comes up in a lot of fields, like physics, chemistry, and engineering. Understanding how to get past plateaus can help us solve all kinds of real-world problems.