ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Plug compatible

Okay, so do you know what a puzzle is? It's when you have all these pieces that fit together to make a picture, right?

Well, computers are kind of like puzzles too. They have different parts that all need to work together to make the computer work. One very important part is called the "processor." It's like the brain of the computer.

Now, imagine you have a certain type of processor in your computer. But then, another company comes along and makes a processor that looks and works almost exactly the same as yours. That's what we call "plug compatible."

It's like having a puzzle piece that fits into the puzzle even though it's made by a different company. So, you could take out your old processor and put in this new, plug compatible one and it would work just fine!

Isn't that cool? It means that you have more options when it comes to upgrading or fixing your computer. And it also means that different companies can work together to make technology better for all of us.