ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Porting is like when you have a toy that you really like, but you can't play with it at your friend's house because they don't have the same toy. But then, you figure out a way to make the toy work with your friend's toys, so that you can still have fun and play with it even when you're not at home.

In the same way, porting is when you take a software application or game that was made to work on one type of device or platform (like a computer or a game console), and you figure out a way to make it work on a different type of device or platform (like a phone or a different operating system).

This means that even if you're using a different device or operating system, you can still use that same application or play that same game. Porting can be a bit tricky because different platforms might have different software or hardware requirements, but it can be really helpful to make technology more accessible and user-friendly.