ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Post-convergent is a big and complicated word that means when two things come together and then become something new. It's kind of like when you mix colors together to make a new color. For example, when red and yellow come together, they make orange.

In science, we use this word to describe something called plate tectonics. The earth's surface is made up of big pieces called plates, and they move around slowly. When two plates come together, they can either slide past each other, move away from each other, or crash into each other.

When two plates crash into each other, it's called a convergent boundary. This can cause mountains, earthquakes, and other big changes to happen. But once the plates have finished crashing into each other, they don't just stay stuck together!

Over time, the two plates will start to move apart again. But now that they've crashed into each other and changed shape, they're no longer the same as they were before. That's where the word post-convergent comes in. It means that the plates have finished converging and have started moving apart, but they've been changed by their collision.

So post-convergent is a big science word that describes what happens when two plates collide and then start moving apart again.