ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Programmable read-only memory

Hello, little one! So, do you remember when you learned how to read? Do you know how books work? Well, just like books have words written on their pages, computers have something called "memory" where they store information that they can read later.

One type of memory is called "programmable read-only memory", or PROM for short. It's like a special book that has already been written and you can't change a word of it once it's printed.

But, before it's printed, a person called a "developer" can write a special code that tells the computer what to do. This special code is like a storybook, and the PROM is like a printed version of the storybook. The computer can read this storybook and follow the instructions written in it.

Now, since these PROMs can't be changed once they're printed, developers have to be extra careful when writing the code because they won't be able to fix any mistakes later.

But why use a PROM instead of another type of memory that can be changed? Well, PROMs can be cheaper and they can also help to protect the code from being accidentally changed or corrupted.

So there you have it, PROMs are like storybooks that tell the computer what to do, but once they're printed, they can't be changed.
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