ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prophecy of the Popes

Dear child, the Prophecy of the Popes is a mysterious prediction about the future Popes of the Catholic Church. It started long ago, in the year 1139, when an Irish bishop named Malachy visited Rome and had a strange vision.

In his vision, he supposedly saw all the future Popes of the Catholic Church up until the end of the world. He wrote down a short Latin phrase or motto for each of the Popes, describing their personality or events during their papacy.

However, many people doubt the authenticity of this prophecy, and the Catholic Church itself doesn't consider it to be official or reliable. Some claim that the phrases are vague enough to match any Pope, and that they might have been crafted after the fact to appear as if they predicted the future.

Despite the doubts and controversies, many people still find the Prophecy of the Popes interesting and even a little bit spooky. Some have tried to interpret the phrases in various ways to find hidden meanings and predictions of future events. But as a child, it's important to remember that the prophecy is just a story, and that it's up to each person to decide whether to believe it or not.