ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Proposed long-term solutions for the eurozone crisis

Okay kiddo, so there's this group of countries in Europe that all decided to use the same money, called the euro, instead of having their own separate currencies. But some of these countries have been having a really hard time with money problems, kind of like when you run out of allowance and can't buy the things you want.

One way to try to fix this problem is for the countries to work together and share their money to help each other out. They can do this by creating a big pile of money, called a budget, that all the countries put their money into and then use to help the countries that need it the most.

Another idea is to make the rules about how much money countries can borrow stricter, to make sure they don't borrow too much and end up in even more trouble later on. This is like if your grown-up told you that you could only borrow a certain amount of money from them each week so you don't get into too much debt.

Finally, some people think that the countries should become even more united and work as one big country, with one government and one budget. This is like if you and your friends all put your money together to buy something really cool that you all want. This way, everyone is working together and it's harder for one person to mess things up for everyone else.

These are all long-term solutions, which means they won't fix the problem immediately, but they could help prevent the same problem from happening again in the future.