ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever played pretend? Like when you and your friends say you're playing "restaurant" and you make menus and pretend to serve food? Well, sometimes grown-ups do something kind of similar called a "pseudo-event."

A pseudo-event is something that's made up or staged, and it’s done to get attention or create news even if it's not really that important or newsworthy. For example, when a company launches a new product, they might put on a big show with flashy lights and music, even though the product itself is not really all that exciting. Or when someone important like a politician or a celebrity does something public, like cutting a ribbon to open a new building or giving a speech, it might be a pseudo-event designed to make them look good or get people's attention.

Pseudo-events can be confusing because they can make something seem more important or exciting than it really is. And sometimes they fool people into thinking they're witnessing something real and important when it's really just for show. So it's always a good idea to remember that just because something looks impressive or makes the news doesn't mean it's actually important or newsworthy.