ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Public interface

Okay kiddo, so you know when you go to a store and there's a cashier who helps you buy things? Well, think of the public interface like that cashier.

The public interface is a special part of a computer program that helps different parts of the program talk to each other in a safe and organized way. It's like a set of rules or instructions that everyone has to follow when they want to ask or give information.

Just like how the cashier at the store has certain rules they follow to help you buy things, the public interface has rules that different parts of the program have to follow in order to ask for or give information. For example, if one part of the program wants to know how many apples another part has, it has to ask that part through the public interface, and the other part can only give the information through the public interface. This helps keep everything organized and makes sure nobody messes up the information by accident.

So, the public interface is like the cashier at the store- it helps keep things running smoothly, makes sure everyone follows the rules, and helps different parts of the program work together safely and efficiently.