ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Push-pull technology

Push-pull technology is like playing a game of tug-of-war with a rope. Have you ever played tug-of-war before? You have two teams on opposite sides of the rope, and they try to pull the rope toward their side. Now imagine that instead of people, you have two magnets.

One magnet is called the push magnet, and the other magnet is called the pull magnet. The magnets are arranged so that they are facing each other but are separated by a small space. When electricity flows through the push magnet, it creates a magnetic field that pushes against the pull magnet.

Then when the electricity flows through the pull magnet, it creates a magnetic field that pulls toward the push magnet. This process happens very quickly, and the magnets move back and forth like a seesaw, creating a constant flow of electricity.

This push-pull technology is used in many electronic devices, such as speakers and power supplies. It's like magic!